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Número total de libros encontrados: 36 para su búsqueda.

Learn to Speak Spanish for English Speakers

Autor: Nam H Nguyen

Número de Páginas: 275

Aprender un nuevo idioma o un segundo idioma no es fácil ni rápido. Sobre todo los primeros meses , se requiere mucho tiempo , mucha paciencia y compromiso. Aprender un nuevo idioma o un segundo idioma le permite conectarse con el país y la cultura que se está trabajando a través de libros , revistas, periódicos , películas, televisión , sitios web, y conversaciones . Lo mejor de todo , el aprendizaje de idiomas es una pasión que le ayudará en el futuro , y la habilidad pertenecerán a ti para siempre ! Cinco consejos para aprender un nuevo idioma o un segundo idioma : 1 . Usted tiene que invertir una buena cantidad de tiempo a escuchar a la lengua , así como trabajar en la pronunciación . 2 . Abra el libro en línea y tratar de escribir cada palabra , frase, la expresión y la pena por lo menos una vez , pero preferiblemente tres veces para una mayor tasa de éxito . Esto le ayudará a recordar las palabras, oraciones , etc a muy buen ritmo y esto también le ayudará a recordar el idioma. 3 . Abra el libro en línea , escuchar y repetir cada palabra , frase, la expresión y la sentencia del audio. Si tienes la oportunidad , asegúrese de comprar el audio, que le...

English 1-DGETI

Autor: Flores Kastanis, Paula

Número de Páginas: 122

The student participates in activities in which procedural contents identified as language functions and reading strategies are included. These are necessary to develop the competencies of reading, understanding, writing and expressing oneself in English.

Don Quijote de La Mancha / Don Quixote of La Mancha

Autor: Miguel De Cervantes

Número de Páginas: 4000

This Was Our Childhood

Autor: Teresita Luévano

Número de Páginas: 226

En este libro, yo, Rosa, te llevo a través de mi vida, desde la niñez hasta la actualidad. Recuerdo personas, abusos y buenos momentos. Este libro comenzó como un diario. Yo anoté pensamientos que vinieron a mi mente. No todas las piezas están en orden secuencial y los nombres de personas han sido cambiados, pero la historia es la misma. Mi esperanza es que mi historia toque el corazón de personas y paren la violencia doméstica, y los abusos de niños y animales. Así Fue Nuestra Niñez Extraordinary, Riveting, Inspirational... In this book, I, Rosa, take you through my life, from childhood to the present. I recall times of struggle, abuse, and good memories. This book began as a journal, and because I wrote thoughts down as they came to me, not all parts are in sequential order. Names of people have been changed, but the story remains the same. My hope is that my story will touch someone’s heart and bring attention to issues of child, domestic, and animal abuse. This Was Our Childhood

Get Ahead at Work. Inglés para Administración y Comercio

Autor: Carrasco Cabrera, Mª JosÉ

Número de Páginas: 264

Get Ahead at Work is a new method specifically tailored to the needs of students studying Ciclos Formativos de grado superior de las familias profesionales de Administración y Gestión y de Comercio y Marketing, which are the following: • Familia de Administración y Gestión: — Administración y Finanzas. — Asistencia a la Dirección. • Familia de Comercio y Marketing: — Comercio Internacional. — Marketing y Publicidad. — Transporte y Logística. — Gestión de Ventas y Espacios Comerciales. However, it is also suitable for Ciclos Formativos specialised on Tourism. This course provides students with basic and necessary English to enable them to develop in today’s professional world. The content of the book follows the academic syllabus of these studies and adapts to the self-reflexive demand of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In Get Ahead at Work students can practice both the receptive and productive skills of the foreign language:listening, reading, writing and speaking, through up-to-date readings and motivating meaningful activities. Grammar and Vocabulary exercises are all included in the student’s book so that students can use...


Autor: Karla Galván Duque Senosiain

Número de Páginas: 121

“The sky is the limit” is a little treasure. It’s not just a book on autism or on someone’s particular and extraordinary life experience, it’s also revealing and paradigmatic. Revealing because it helps us as human beings to understand that an advanced society must be committed and inclusive; whatever our circumstance, we are all people and at the same time we are all unique. Paradigmatic because I have never met anyone with such a determination to do her part in helping parents, families, therapists, and anyone willing to learn more about the way these children understand their particular world, which is our own as well. Karla is a woman who has given her life great value; she is a fighter that turns obstacles into great opportunities to grow and to love; this makes “The sky is the limit” a book about love, perseverance, strength, energy, self-motivation, optimism… and, why not say it as well, it’s a Coaching book, a totally 21st-century book!”

We the Dreamers

Autor: Josefina Vázquez Mota

Número de Páginas: 290

DREAMer: a young visionary, an undocumented immigrant, who wants to achieve the American Dream. As of August 2016 it was estimated that some 35 million Mexicans were living in the United States, 23.5 million of whom were born in the United States and 11.5 million in Mexico. Of the latter, only 5 million are undocumented and of them, 1.3 million are considered DREAMers: young people who were taken to the United States by their parents when they were children, who grew up and were educated in this country, and who -because of their illegal status- face daunting obstacles to develop professionally. This, however, does not prevent them from dreaming. In We the DREAMers, Josefina Vázquez Mota explores the laws and statistics, and above all highlights the narratives and emotions behind thelife stories of these DREAMers whose only objective is to fulfill their dreams. Their testimonies offer a kaleidoscope of viewpoints, pinpointing many obstacles. Nevertheless, they are voices of young people who have not given up; instead they have created or joined activist groups alongside many other people who, like them, just want to be heard and acknowledged. This volume introduces you to some of ...

Inglés 1 Competent

Autor: Paula Flores Kastanis

Número de Páginas: 152

By the end of English I , the student will be able to communicate in English about him or herself and about his, her and other people’s activities in their daily context. The purpose of English I , first book of the series named Competent, is to provide English teachers with the material to cover in detail the first course of five from the DGETI system. Series´goal: Students are expected to reach a B1 level according to the Common European Framework (CEF).at the end of the English program. This means, students must be able to do what is described for levels A1, A2, and B1. This is the goal of the English program at DGETI at the end of the five courses. It is expected that at the end of this first course, students can achieve skills at a basic user level according to the CEF described as follows: Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is...

Don Quixote: T.2.

Autor: Cervantes Saavedra De M.

Although the two parts are now published as a single work, Don Quixote, Part Two was a sequel published ten years after the original novel. While Part One was mostly farcical, the second half is more serious and philosophical about the theme of deception. Part Two of Don Quixote explores the concept of a character understanding that he is written about: an idea much explored in the 20th century.

La Vida De Una Cubana-The Life of a Cuban woman

Autor: Elisa Maria De La Caridad

Número de Páginas: 104

Esta nina fue muy querida por toda su familia, ella es carinosa, muy alegre y entusiasta. Le gustaba el deporte, cantar y hacer actividades. Pobre, pero contenta, se crio con su madre y sus abuelos maternos. Para ella su familia era, como una barrera que la protegia, pero fue la vida la que la enseno a ser mas fuerte y luchadora. Amo con pasion y obtuvo lo que queria, pero sufrio cada golpe que le dio la vida. Fue una madre adorada y amo a sus hijos con todo su corazon al igual que a su familia. Esta historia es dura, pero se aprende de ella. This little girl was very loved by all her family; she was affectionate, very cheerful and enthusiastic. She loved sports, singing and activities. Poor, but happy, she grew up with her mother and her maternal grandparents. For her, her family was like a barrier that protected her, but it was life that taught her to be a strong fighter. She loved with passion and always got what she wanted, although she endured every blow that life threw at her. She was an adored mother and loved her children with all her heart. This will be a hard story to read, but you will sure learn from it.

Petting Farm Fun, Bilingual English and Spanish

Autor: Karen Jean Matsko Hood

Número de Páginas: 35

This bilingual edition of Petting Farm Fun is printed in two languages: English and Spanish. It is the third release in the popular Hood Picture Book Series. It is a delightful bedtime story to entertain and then relax young children before they fall asleep. The tradition of the bedtime story has been around since before the written word. For generations, and in every culture, parents have prepared their children for bed by telling them stories. Karen Jean Matsko Hood is a prolific author and poet that loves children and animals. It is only fitting that she would write and direct the art of this delightful petting farm story. Her family has raised Nubian goats, fainting goats, Babydoll Southdown sheep, Icelandic sheep, Icelandic horses, and other petting animals as she knows this is a valuable experience for children. The author and her family also have first hand experience raising chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese for organic eggs. Her children have actively worked on the goat dairy farm to milk goats for organic milk. All this inspired her to write this book. Petting Farm Fun makes an enjoyable story for readers of all ages as well as those who love animals and have an...

Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Bilingual English and Spanish

Autor: Karen Jean Matsko Hood

Número de Páginas: 60

This bilingual edition of Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Bilingual English and Spanish Edition is translated and published in two languages: English and Spanish. This delightful, soothing bedtime story will surely relax young children before they fall asleep. The tradition of the bedtime story has been around since before the written word. For generations, and in every culture around the world, parents have prepared their children for bed by telling them stories. Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Bilingual English and Spanish Edition is a soothing bedtime story to be told and retold. With the popularity of Japanese Anime cartoon styles, the artwork in this book will entertain young readers as they participate in the nighttime ritual of saying “goodnight” to all of their beloved treasures. Enjoy this easy-to-read bedtime story by author Karen Jean Matsko Hood. Each one of the pages is thoughtfully illustrated with warmth and love. Your children and grandchildren will ask you to read this oversized book to them again and again, and is a must for all families to have in their library. Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Bilingual English and Spanish Edition makes a great gift for...

The History And Adventures Of The Renowned Don Quixote

Autor: Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

Número de Páginas: 328

The Gift That changed our lives

Autor: Rocío Martín Díez

When you’re told that your child has brain damage, the world falls apart around you. No matter what happens to you, this is a turning point in your life, where you have to take decisions. For me, it was the moment when I decided, without knowing that I had, to start a new life; an awakening, a road with no return. Our children with brain injury come to teach us many things; it’s no coincidence that they have chosen us. Felipón has been, and is, a gift, I’m not speaking out of faith or through false hope, but rather from the experience of a woman who has discovered how loving herself can make her son improve day by day. There’s a fine, imperceptible thread between a mother and her children; a thread that only she recognises, but in order to recognise it, we must be there, in the present, and listen to ourselves. This is the story of how I’ve lived since we were told that Felipón had six very serious injuries in his brain, when I was twenty weeks pregnant. I’d have given a great deal to find a book where someone told me where to start... I do hope this book will help you to understand, as I have done, that your son is coming to achieve much more than you can possibly...

Nélida Piñon en la Republica de los Sueños

Autor: Ascensión Rivas Hernández

Número de Páginas: 170

La obra literaria de Nélida Piñon se asienta sobre tres pilares fundamentales: su país, sus orígenes españoles y la escritura en sí. Brasil y España conforman los dos polos geográficos entre los que se desarrolla la visión nelidiana del mundo en general («Desde la más tierna infancia he sentido los efectos de la doble cultura. Destinada a reivindicar el mundo desde un punto de vista doble», dirá) y de la literatura en particular, mientras escribir es para la autora el modo de relacionarse con el mundo y un instrumento que le permite explicarse a sí misma. Como reflejo de esta necesidad de ser interpretada en esa multiplicidad de facetas, en este libro se recogen todas las dimensiones de la cosmovisión nelidiana. Para ello se reúnen algunas de las ponencias y comunicaciones que se presentaron en el I Congreso Internacional de Literatura Brasileña «Nélida Piñon en la República de los sueños», que se celebró en la Universidad de Salamanca en noviembre de 2018. Conforman estas páginas los trabajos de algunos de los brasileñistas más importantes a ambos lados del Atlántico: Domício Proença, Antonio Maura, María Isabel López Martínez, Carmen Villarino o...

Método UCLM de entrenamiento de la memoria en mayores

Autor: José Vicente Hernández Viadel , José Miguel Latorre Postigo

Número de Páginas: 164

En este libro presentamos un método de entrenamiento de la memoria que es el resultado de varios años de trabajo en la mejora de la memoria de los mayores. El método UCLM consta de 10 sesiones de noventa minutos de duración cada una. Las técnicas de memoria que utiliza son básicamente dos: la visualización y la asociación. Además, se realizan numerosos ejercicios de estimulación cognitiva. Las últimas sesiones están dedicadas al recuerdo de nombres y a las estrategias para solucionar los olvidos cotidianos. ///// In this book we present a method for memory training result of several years’ work in memory improvement of the elderly. The UCLM method consists of 10, ninety-minute sessions. Basically, two memory techniques were used: visualisation and association. Additionally, numerous exercises for cognitive simulation were performed. The last few sessions are dedicated to recall of names and strategies for overcoming everyday forgetfulness.

Romeo y Julieta (edición bilingüe)

Autor: William Shakespeare

Número de Páginas: 266

Edición bilingüe de una de las tragedias más conocidas y leídas de William Shakespeare. «¡Oh amor nacido de un extraño prodigio: tener que amar a un odiado enemigo!» El tiempo no ha cerrado las heridas de los Montesco y los Capuleto, dos familias de Verona enemistadas por antiguos pleitos cuyo origen ya casi nadie alcanza a recordar. Con el odio llegó la violencia, y con la violencia, las primeras víctimas inocentes. Pero del odio nació también el amor entre dos jóvenes predestinados a la desventura: Romeo y Julieta. La suya es una de las historias más populares de todos los tiempos, a la vez que su trágico desenlace se ha convertido en un hito de la literatura universal, «pues jamás hubo tan triste suceso como este de Julieta y de Romeo». Victor Hugo dijo... «Shakespeare representó las dos caras del corazón humano y los dos extremos del arte con personajes que vivirán eternamente: llenos de un vigor misterioso, impalpables como las nubes, inmortales como el aliento.»

Under the light of my stars

Autor: Antonia Garcia

Número de Páginas: 113

This book has family stories that date back from 1875 to the present. Stories that took place at the rancherías (rural settlements) in the region of los Altos de Jalisco, Mexico, during and after the Cristero revolution. It recounts the ways of living, celebrations, and disciplines passed on from one generation to the next. The experiences of immigrant people and the challenges and opportunities they encounter in the United States. It talks about the pain families experience when they lose a loved one in another country and cannot physically be by their side. This book depicts the story of an unexpected accident and what happens in the "unconscious" mind of a dying person. It talks about how some human beings see life and death. There are testimonies of people who had dared to dream and achieve their dreams. A large family learned to heal the wounds from their past and it shares how they live after accomplishing their emotional healing.

I Believed In Me

Autor: Ambrocio Magana

Número de Páginas: 164

I was born in a small town that at that time had about 300 inhabitants between children and adults ... I am a simple person, not very happy but not bitter. I am always willing to help those who need it; I do not wait for me to go begging, I offer help. I do not have much education I went to school for a short time. I finished sixth grade until I had 15 years old, but I remember that since I was young I liked to write stories, although I had never had the opportunity to publish them. I hope these stories reach your hearts and I also hope they like you. I want you enjoy them so much that you want to read them all... and other stories more. Remember that reading gives you education and culture. A part of these stories is true. A common occurrence for some people, whether by nature or custom, is to criticize or judge others and, often we do not realize that we make that person, or their family feel bad. Sometimes we can even physically or mentally harm them. Among the stories written here, one is true. It speaks of a little girl who has been criticized since her birth but has had the intelligence to turn criticism into positive energy. She has not stopped to listen to mediocre...

Divine Intervention

Autor: Irma Sosa Pineda. Ma. Med.

Número de Páginas: 260

Divine Intervention is the story of a humble person who was born in El Salvador, being the fourth daughter of nine brothers and sisters. She once lived the most amazing childhood surrounded by nature and love in a place of freedom and happiness where all the children have the freedom to play together in a secure environment. During school time, I had a wonderful experience in learning in my humble public school. We, all the children of the community, walk together to the school with no fear; we walk in a safe environment. During 1980s, the country was having a social change. It was not safe anymore; I just looked at the chaos that was happening in our communities, with the families. The community was not safe anymore; what I saw was destruction and poverty, no job opportunities. I decided to migrate to the United States. I knew it would not be easy, but I took the risk of losing my life in the journey, by crossing the desert and getting on board of the train, The Beast, looking for my American dream. Like many immigrants who leave their loved ones to give them a better future, I also left my eighteen-month-old baby. I went through this pain that is hard to explain, and only the...

Curso de inglés, Inglés para Españoles Nivel Inicial Intermedio

Autor: Carmelo Mangano , Debra Lynn Hillman

Número de Páginas: 900

Finalmente un nuevo método de inglés completo de diálogos, lecturas, ejercicios de pronunciación y escritura, traducciones y el vocabulario nuevo usado en los diferentes módulos, con el soporte de las audiciones y las claves que facilitan el autoaprendizaje. El Nivel inicial-intermedio está 100% grabado en audio. Contiene 900 páginas de texto y 18 horas de grabaciones en audio. "Inglés para Españoles" resuelve las dificultades específicas del estudiante español. El estudiante aprende todas aquellas expresiones y estructuras que le facilitan la comprensión auditiva y la comunicación oral. Al completar el Curso el estudiante habrá aprendido cerca de 3000 palabras y centenares de expresiones coloquiales inglesas. Esta compra es para el texto solamente. Contacta con los autores para recibir el audio gratis:

Spanish Ballads

Autor: Roger Wright

Número de Páginas: 261

The Spanish ballad tradition is one of the largest and most colourful in Europe, as reflected in the present collection of 71 of the best examples.

Francisco de Quevedo: Dreams and Discourses

Número de Páginas: 369

The Sueños is one of the most controversial, witty and fantastic works of early 17th century Spanish literature. The five Dreams minutely analyse stupidity, ignorance and evil, as these could be found in contemporary society.

Realmente era lo que ella deseaba...

Autor: Nania Rodríguez

Número de Páginas: 72

Pasó por el infortunio de una enfermedad que la llevó a la muerte y a volver a la vida, además de muchas circunstancias en su vida que casi la llevan a la muerte. She went through the misfortune of an illness that led her to death and return to life, in addition to many other circumstances in her life that almost led to her death.

E-Z as 1-2-3- a Beginners Guide to Becoming Bilingual Una Guía Para Principiantes a Convertirse En Bilingües

Autor: Ramona Hernández

Número de Páginas: 82

To improve our relationships, to communicate effectively, and to increase our marketability is important to know a second language. This book is a practical tool to learn Spanish as a second language in a clear and easy way. Inside you will find the basic lessons to learn the language, vocabulary, conversations, and fully explanations of the usage of words translated in both languages. Para mejorar nuestras relaciones con otras personas, comunicarnos efectivamente, e incrementar nuestra demanda en la fuerza laboral es importante aprender otros lenguajes. Este libro es una práctica herramienta para aprender Inglés de una manera fácil y clara. Adentro encontraras lecciones básicas para aprender el lenguaje, vocabulario, conversaciones, y completas explicaciones del uso de las palabras traducidas en los dos lenguajes.

Imagen de la mujer en la literatura inglesa

Autor: Emilio Barón , Juan José Torres Núñez

Número de Páginas: 138

Los textos aquí reunidos proceden en su práctica totalidad del ciclo de conferencias "Imagen de la mujer en la literatura inglesa" que, organizado por el Grupo de Investigación "Poesía y Traducción" con ayuda de la Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucía, se celebró en la Universidad de Almería del 24 al 28 de abril de 1995. Este volumen, sin embargo, no es una mera recopilación de actas, ya que las conferencias fueron posteriormente reelaboradas por sus autores para su publicación como partes de un libro, en el que, además, se incluye un trabajo no presentado entonces. En aras de una mayor homogeneidad, los nueve estudios selccionados han sido agrupados en tres bloques cronológicos: I) Edad Media y Renacimiento II) Siglo XIX y III) Siglo XX.

Caminando Restaurativamente. Pasos para diseñar proyectos transformadores alrededor de la justicia penal

Autor: Gema Varona Martínez

Este trabajo supone la síntesis de décadas de reflexión teórica y aplicación práctica de los conocimientos adquiridos, siempre limitados, en justicia restaurativa. Está escrito por tres profesionales que, si bien trabajan juntos en el Laboratorio de Teoría y Práctica de Justicia Restaurativa (LJR) del Instituto Vasco de Criminología (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), poseen diferentes formaciones, experiencias laborales diversas e intereses temáticos distintos. Se quiere así incentivar el desarrollo de futuros proyectos restaurativos, tratando de transmitir, con humildad, pistas o pequeñas certezas por si pudieran servir a otras personas para diseñar y llevar a cabo iniciativas restaurativas en muy diversos ámbitos, pero principalmente tras delitos considerados graves o procesos traumáticos con impacto severo. Al explicar qué queremos decir con “caminar restaurativamente”, como otra modalidad de justicia restaurativa (junto con la mediación, los paneles, las conferencias, los círculos, etcétera), se utilizarán ejemplos reales de intervenciones en victimizaciones con mayor o menor conexión con el sistema penal, pero siempre...


Autor: Nicolás Fernández De Moratín , Leandro Fernández De Moratín

Número de Páginas: 636

Obras de Nicolás y Leandro Fernández de Moratín

Autor: Leandro Fernández De Moratín

Número de Páginas: 688

Obras de D. Nicolás y D. Leandro Fernández de Moratín

Autor: Leandro Fernández De Moratín

Número de Páginas: 692

Biblioteca de autores Espanoles, desde la formacion del lenguaje hasta nuestros dias

Autor: Buenaventura Carlos Aribau

Obras de D. Nicolás y D. Leandro Fernández de Moratín

Autor: Nicolás Fernández De Moratín , Leandro Fernández De Moratín

Número de Páginas: 636

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