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Número total de libros encontrados: 39 para su búsqueda.

Chanze - Simply

Autor: Esteban Francisco Cuatrin

Número de Páginas: 160

Life took me by unexpected paths, as a child I dreamed that the sky was an ocean of infinite crystal. And today I still feel it or thinking like that ... here I leave my love, my forgiveness, my pain, my passion, my devotion, my secrets, my ailments, my experiences. Hopes, failures, dedications, dreams of my imagination ... or creation ... whoever reads with his heart will feel identified. I started writing at age 17 for my first lost love ... that eternal and pure feeling that will never give up our hearts ... I admit that I also did it to fall in love. I never imagined that writing, feeling desires to win at the time was magical ... either on top of a mountain, facing the sea, hidden in my room, or a dawn of work ... you feel that you enter a vortex where only you are , the pen and the heart distilled ... detach from the world at times ... stop your clock in your temporary space. What starts as a hobby, game or entertainment is linked in an impeccable pastime. Each letter has its name, date, time, year, thus emphasizing the moment more blunt ... although it does not mean that they appear in total chronological order.

El Amante Puertorriqueno

Autor: Jerry Sánchez

Número de Páginas: 111

El Amante Puertorriqueño es una compilación de bellos poemas de amor en español y en inglés que el autor Jerry Sánchez ha querido plasmar en un libro para dedicárselo especialmente a su padre Don Gerardo Sánchez Acosta. El autor expresa estas alentadoras palabras al principio de su obra: En esta vida Dios nos dio por lo menos un talento y puede ser que tomes toda tu vida para encontrar el tuyo, nunca dejes de intentar de averiguar cual es el tuyo. Espero que este sea el mío, le quiero agradecer al Señor por haberme dado por lo menos un talento y la oportunidad de compartirlo con ustedes. Dios nos cuide.


Autor: William Shakespeare , Raúl Montero Gilete

Para todos aquellos que amamos la lectura, enfrentarnos a un texto trazado por uno de los considerados como mejores escritores de todos los tiempos resulta emocionante. Hablar de William Shakespeare (1564-1616) es navegar en la mente de un genio literario capaz de plasmar su rico mundo onírico en forma de escrito para conseguir con sus poesías, tragedias y comedias permanecer imperecedero en el legado cultural de la humanidad. “Ser o no ser, esa es la cuestión” resuena con fuerza en nuestra cabeza. Incluso me atrevería a afirmar que, de la mano de Shakespeare, una extraña algarabía de incomprensibles conexiones emocionales nos hermana culturalmente al compás de su literatura.

Estampas Del Valle Y Otras Obras

Autor: Rolando Hinojosa

Número de Páginas: 206

This four-part novel consists of loosely connected sketches, narratives, monologues, and dialogues, offering a composite picture of Chicano life in the fictitious Belken County town of Klail City, Texas.

Under the light of my stars

Autor: Antonia Garcia

Número de Páginas: 113

This book has family stories that date back from 1875 to the present. Stories that took place at the rancherías (rural settlements) in the region of los Altos de Jalisco, Mexico, during and after the Cristero revolution. It recounts the ways of living, celebrations, and disciplines passed on from one generation to the next. The experiences of immigrant people and the challenges and opportunities they encounter in the United States. It talks about the pain families experience when they lose a loved one in another country and cannot physically be by their side. This book depicts the story of an unexpected accident and what happens in the "unconscious" mind of a dying person. It talks about how some human beings see life and death. There are testimonies of people who had dared to dream and achieve their dreams. A large family learned to heal the wounds from their past and it shares how they live after accomplishing their emotional healing.

Acta de las juntas generales de la Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País ...

Autor: Real Sociedad Económica De Amigos Del País (cuba)

Essays and Poems For those who Love the Preciousness of Life

Autor: Juan Rafael Maldonado

Número de Páginas: 170

This is a work directed to a bilingual reading public (English and Spanish). In a poetic and essayist language, but at the same time simple, the author invites the reader to have a positive vision of life, with its different twists, good and less good. It includes intimate, eternal and human themes such as woman, family, nature and above all, love. They are verses worked with high emotional maturity that reflect the originality of the author. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Esta es una obra dirigida a un público lector bilingüe (Inglés y Español). En un lenguaje poético y ensayista, pero a la vez sencillo, el autor invita al lector a tener una visión positiva de la vida, con sus diferentes giros, buenos y menos buenos. Incluye temas íntimos, eternos y humanos como la mujer, la familia, la naturaleza y sobre todo, el amor. Son versos trabajados con alta madurez emocional que reflejan la originalidad del autor.

A World of Changes

Autor: Henry Lyra

Número de Páginas: 187

They made it.Carter and Robin have successfully graduated college and gotten together. They are married and their lives are great with Carter being a reliable nurse and Robin a high school teacher -one who wears diapers. They have found a balance between their normal lives and the fact that Robin is an Adult Baby who Carter takes care of. Robin has his nursery, can be the baby he wants to be when he wants and Carter enjoys every second he spends with his babified husband. They make both sides work, the Adult side and the Baby side. That’s is, until something unexpected comes their way… Jordan is an eighteen-year-old boy who had been neglected by his parents all his life and kicked out when they discovered he was an Adult Baby. Fate intervenes and suddenly Carter and Robin find themselves taking in this boy, and once more they are thrown into A WORLD OF CHANGES as a new big baby joins the family. But are they ready for it? This is the final book in THE TRILOGY OF CHANGES, where Carter and Robin (and Jordan!) will see their stories go full circle!

The Red Sedan

Autor: Josué Flores

After two years of physical absence, four childhood friends decide to organize a trip to an unknown destination, on the pretext of meeting again and catching up with each other’s lives.

También nosotros creemos porque amamos

Autor: Guillermo Juan Morado

Número de Páginas: 439

Esta obra pretende reconstruir tematicamente las concepciones del acto de fe de Newman, Blondel y Garrigou-Lagrange. Dos aspectos determinan el caracter de la investigacion: se trata de un estudio comparativo, atento a evaluar las diversas posiciones teologicas con la finalidad de contribuir a la elaboracion de una teologia del acto de fe; y de un estudio teologico-fundamental, en el cual el acto de fe es considerado desde la perspectiva de la respuesta del hombre a la revelacion divina. La vision del acto de fe de cada uno de los autores es analizada atendiendo a los respectivos presupuestos filosoficos y al correspondiente planteamiento de la relacion entre fe y credibilidad.

Spanish art song in the seventeenth century

Autor: Daniel L. Heiple , John H. Baron

Número de Páginas: 138

Cuando el alma escribe

Autor: Silvia P�rez

Número de Páginas: 223

El libro que quiero presentar es un trabajo de largo plazo, siempre me he preguntado, porqué en algunos momentos de la vida las personas actuamos de forma diferente en iguales circunstancias, es por eso que me decidí a intentar plasmar en papel las sensaciones y sentimientos que a veces no sabemos expresar con palabras. Creo que algunas personas se sentirán identificadas y a otras les dará la oportunidad de comprender. Espero que les guste. The book I want to present is a long-term work. I have always asked myself why, in some moments in life, we react differently under the same circumstances; that is why I decided to put to paper the feelings and reflections which sometimes are hard to explain with words. I think some people will feel identified with it, and some other will have the chance to understand. I hope you like it.


Autor: Alana Saldivar

Número de Páginas: 157

Alejandra Oliva is a young woman who had recently graduated from her university studies and who is forced to leave her hometown to face the current economic situation of her home. Upon arriving in a city not far away but unknown to her, she will be welcomed in the bosom of a home where she will be involved in a series of mysterious secrets, which curiously will be linked to her past. She will see how they influence her present and how they could affect her future, and she will have to find the strength to be able to face the adversities that she will have to face. In this journey, she will encounter love. She will experience mysteries and intrigues. Her life and her family's will be in danger.

Música 4º ESO (2019)

Autor: Alicia Rodríguez Blanco , Oskar Galende García , Soledad Cueto Llames

1. Música y tecnología 2.La música en el cine y los videojuegos 3.La música y los medios de comunicación 4.Historia de la música popular 5.Historia de la música popular en la actualidad 6.La música en España

Love, Starboy

Autor: Henry Lyra

Número de Páginas: 168

Starboy just graduated high school and was on his way to college with his best friend, Moonkid. That’s until a tragic car crash and a head injury sent Starboy to a coma and then permanent brain damage. His personality changed, slowly regressing to babyhood. He begins writing letters to Moonkid telling him how he’s regressing every day. Suddenly college and grown-up’s life are out the window with his developing infantile behavior. His life now revolves around diaper changes, baby bottles, toys, cartoons, and spoon-feeding as every day he acts more like an infant. Those letters and his new relationship with his family and friends help him realize that being a baby might not be the worst thing ever. Maybe it can be a blessing in disguise.

Ojalá te enamores / I Hope You Fall in Love

Autor: Alejandro Ordonez

Número de Páginas: 0

#OjaláTeEnamores es el libro del blog Por Escribir: nuevas reflexiones poéticas sobre la vida, los sentimientos y los deseos más íntimos que todos escondemos dentro. Incluye los textos más emblemáticos del blog ¡y mucho contenido inédito! Ojalá la encuentres. Lo digo en serio. Ojalá encuentres a esa persona que haga volar las horas, que te pinte un mundo a todo color y te lo haga vivir. Alguien a quien no le importe el pasado y que se empeñe en crear un presente mágico con tintes de futuro. Alguien que entienda cómo eres, que te quiera así y que no trate de cambiar nada en ti. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION #OjaláTeEnamores is the book of the blog Por Escribir (By Writing): new poetic reflections about life, feelings, and the most intimate desires we all hide inside. It includes the most emblematic texts from the blog and lots of previously unpublished content! I hope you find her. I’m serious. I hope you find that person who makes the hours fly by, who paints your world in color and who makes you live it. Someone who doesn’t care about the past and who insists on creating a present that is magical, with hints of the future. Someone who understands how you are, who loves...

Un Regalo para Emma

Autor: Patty Love

Número de Páginas: 227

Para Sarah Morgan, el único modo de mantenerse a flote en la ciudad pasa por alquilar una de las habitaciones libres de su apartamento a Jude, un imponente y atractivo viudo, que no está pasando su mejor momento.Jude Myers todavía no lo sabe, pero mudarse con su hija Emma al piso de Sarah, una guapa y generosa chica que conoció por casualidad en un pub, supondrá su última oportunidad de recomponer los pedazos en los que se ha roto su vida.La Navidad está a la vuelta de la esquina y Emma Myers sabe que en Navidad siempre ocurren cosas mágicas, y mássi hay muérdago de por medio. La niña desea más que nada en el mundo una mamá y Sarah es la candidata perfecta.¿Podrá una mágica Navidad en Fort Augustus cumplir el deseo de Emma?Un regalo para Emma es una novela de amor, de vida y de segundas oportunidades.

Una vida robada

Autor: Jaycee Dugard

Número de Páginas: 320

Jaycee Dugard’s New York Times bestselling memoir chronicles her raw and powerful story of being kidnapped in 1991 and held captive for more than eighteen years—and offers an extraordinary account of courage and resilience. En el verano de 1991, yo era una niña normal. Hacía cosas normales. Tenía amigos y una madre que me amaba. Era como tú. Hasta el día en que me robaron la vida. Durante dieciocho años fui una prisionera. Era un objeto que alguien usaba y abusaba. Durante dieciocho años no me permitieron decir mi propio nombre. Me hice madre y fui forzada a ser una hermana. Durante dieciocho años sobreviví una situación imposible. El 26 de agosto de 2009 reclamé mi nombre. Me llamo Jaycee Lee Dugard. No me veo como una víctima. Sobreviví. Una vida robada es mi historia, en mis propias palabras, de mi propia manera, tal y como la recuerdo. La piña es un símbolo que representa la semilla de un comienzo nuevo para mí. Para ayudar a facilitar comienzos nuevos, con el apoyo de la terapia asistida por animales, la J A Y C Foundation brinda apoyo y servicios para el tratamiento oportuno de familias recuperándose de un secuestro y las secuelas que dejan esas...

Her Name Was Dolores

Autor: Pete Salgado

Número de Páginas: 272

The untold story of the iconic Jenni Rivera through the perspective of her former managers, Pete Salgado and Gabriel Vazquez and it will be the basis for a TV series that airs on Univision. This book will take us into the boiler room and offer a behind-the-scenes look into the strategies and moments that lead to national headlines. Pete Salgado was Jenn’s longstanding manager, considered by Jenn her fifth bother, he worked with her for nearly a decade, and helped negotiate many of her deals. She shared things with him she did not with others, and he came to know her in ways no one else did. The months before Jenni’s death were filled with betrayals and disappointments from those she most loved and trusted. Salgado addresses that and takes readers deep inside some cryptic tweets Jenni posted as well of answering very difficult questions such as: Did Chiquis have an affair with Jenni’s husband, Esteban? Who really was the person Jenni called El Pelón and tweeted about, and what did he mean to her? Was Jenni embroiled with the drug cartel? Did the notorious narco El Barbie mistreat her? Was she going to buy a plane? Was Jenni’s death truly an accident? This book describes...

Believe: My Daily Inspirational Journal

Autor: A.g. Shraud

Número de Páginas: 215

“It is an honor and a privilege to share with the whole world my life story of adversities, happiness, and accomplishments. Despite all the challenges and tribulations I have had in my life, I have discovered the true meaning of hope, faith, perseverance, love, strength, passion, and confidence. I believe in myself. I have also learned never to give up and to pursue my goals and dreams regardless of my circumstances. I believe that there are millions of people who are going through challenges similar to or worse than mine right now. I cannot keep my life a secret inside my heart. I know that by sharing the trials I have had, my journey can have an impact on others’ lives. I believe that reading about my struggles may help others to become stronger.”

The british class book o lecciones de literatura inglesa, precedidas de un compendio gramátical, con reglas y clave de pronunciacion, y acompañadas de un vocabulario al pié de cada página por el profesor H. Mac Veigh

Autor: H. Macveigh

Número de Páginas: 588

One unbounded ocean of consciousness

Autor: Dr. Tony Nader

Número de Páginas: 326

World renowned leader at the core of the Maharishi Foundations, a Harvard graduate neuroscientist, renowned Vedic scholar and world reference in Transcendental Meditation, Dr.Tony Nader formulates in this book a series of fundamental existential questions (what is our purpose in life, do we have true control over our destinies?) and, through the study of Consciousness, brings us answers with practical benefits that aim to give us enlightenment, peace and fulfillment. «In this landmark book, Dr. Tony Nader presents ideas that can change the world. He proposes profound solutions to questions that have long fascinated and intrigued philosophers and scientists. What is Consciousness, do we have freedom? How to get the best out of life, fulfill wishes and create peace and harmony among peoples and nations? He offers these solutions, based on a simple underlying paradigm, that unifies mind, body, and environment into an ocean of pure Being, Pure Consciousness. A must read for any seeker of answers to the mysteries of life, the absolute and ultimate truth». David Lynch «I want everyone to know what Consciousness is and how to develop it to enjoy the full potential of individual and...

The Valley of the Hammocks

Autor: Fredis Reyes

Número de Páginas: 194

This is a story of three visits, which is remote back in the year 80 and 90, in the center of the cold war in El Salvador. A teenager is dragged by his dreams, his ambition to get to know the city; for love is involved on the front of the guerillas, making travels from the city to his town, ending with the reunion of his blood that he did not know existed and next to it says goodbye to his big love.

Calderon: The Painter of his Dishonour, El pintor de su deshonra

Número de Páginas: 225

Alan Paterson presents Calderon's original text, from manuscript and printed sources, with a skilful verse translation into English of a remarkable play, in which Calderon develops the motif of marital honour in quite original ways.

La passió per la llibertat

Autor: Internationale Assoziation Von Philosophinnen. Symposion , María Isabel Peña Aguado

Número de Páginas: 642

Aquest volum aplega les contribucions al primer congrés internacional de filòsofes de l’àmbit de la Mediterrània que tingué lloc a Barcelona el mes d’octubre de 2002, organitzat pel Seminari “Filosofia i gènere” de la UB. Pensadores com Celia Amorós, Lia Cigarini, Victòria Camps, Françoise Collin, Geneviève Fraisse, Elizabeth List, Luisa Muraro, o Nawal El Saadawi reflexionaren entorn de l’especificitat del concepte de llibertat política. A La Passió per la llibertat es publiquen també els escrits de Chantal Maillard, Teresa Orozco, Concha Roldán, Rosa Rius, Silvia Stollet i de moltes altres filòsofes d’arreu del món sobre qüestions cabdals del nostre temps que, a poc a poc, van anar configurant l’estructura del debat: “El cos com a límit en l’era de la biotecnologia”, “Entorn d’una ciutadania heterogènia” “Globalització i feminisme”, “Sobre l’amistat i d’altres formes de relació política”, “Tecnologies de la vida”, “Ciència i discurs polític”, “Ciència i política”, “Sobre la violència”, “Les noves masculinitats”, i un llarg etcètera.


Autor: Esteban Francisco Cuatrin

Número de Páginas: 162

I came back because my moments have that, naturalness, reflection, diversity, eloquence, mysticity, justification, forgiveness, pain, divinity, eternity, heart, happiness, infidelity, resentment, love, distraction, mystery, fear, coldness, passion, fiction, reality , sadness, kindness, live, follow, miss, evil, betrayal, die, think, forget, interest, hide, rebirth, connection, silence, secrecy, prison, resurrection and I could continue my whole life, creating or exemplifying each piece of my exist. Leaving sealed that inventing is divine, counting is human! This new project is perhaps reduced in quantity, But not in quality. Here I capture a year of fluidity where my writing is reborn asleep by my own will ... Since paralyze years of following my legacy! And feel the depth in solitude. Now I write because I have how to continue it, They are poems that narrate time has not passed, Maybe they can even feel identified!

Frankenstein or, the modern Prometheus

Autor: Mary Shelley

Número de Páginas: 256

Disfruta de este clásico de Mary Shelley en versión original. Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo, o simplemente Frankenstein (título original en inglés: Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus), es una obra literaria de la escritora inglesa Mary Shelley. Publicado el 1 de enero de 1818 y enmarcado en la tradición de la novela gótica, el texto habla de temas tales como la moral científica, la creación y destrucción de vida y el atrevimiento de la humanidad en su relación con Dios. De ahí, el subtítulo de la obra: el protagonista intenta rivalizar en poder con Dios, como una suerte de Prometeo moderno que arrebata el fuego sagrado de la vida a la divinidad. Aunque Frankenstein está impregnado de elementos de la novela gótica y el movimiento romántico, el escritor y editor de ciencia ficción Brian Aldiss ha argumentado que debería considerarse la primera historia verdadera de ciencia ficción.


Autor: Mauricio Lopez

Número de Páginas: 287

The turn that life gives in any human being, in both sexes, and in any social stratum. Going from the status of freedom, to the state of deprivation of it. And the main message of this manuscript, is alert you, dear reader to never be involved in a circumstances of this nature that without hiding, and without pride. I was in imprisoned for seventy months due to circumstances beyond my control. So I experienced it firsthand, and my wish is that you learn from such an experience without living it, which is little, or not all pleasant.

Nor Shall Diamond Die: American Studies in Honor of Javier Coy

Número de Páginas: 400

Homenatge a Javier Coy, catedràtic jubilat del Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya de la Universitat de València de 1990 a 2000 i un dels primers investigadors a introduir els estudis nord-americans. Recull de 50 articles d'especialistes en aquest camp, que reflecteixen l'estat dels estudis sobre la cultura i la literatura dels Estats Units contemporanis.

Essays on Catholicism, Liberalism and Socialism

Autor: Juan Donoso Cortés (marqués De Valdegamas)

Número de Páginas: 347

Libro Para Batos Y Chavalas Chicanas

Autor: Sergio D. Elizondo

Número de Páginas: 112

The author's second collection of poetry. Bilingual edition with translation by Edmundo Garcia Giron.


Autor: Jordi Mas I Manjon

Número de Páginas: 171

A book with decades of life experience. The author J. Mas Manjon, he's inspired on his poetry in the teachings of G.I.Gurdjieff. It is a poetry breaker schemes, deconstruction of established forms, a poem to ponder. Do not wait for the reader, an ordinary reading, language is used freely but in a methodical thought, to lead the reader to discover the self. (There is freedom in the use of language rules that are deliberately used in this work written to inspire the reader).Discovery of other dimensions, an encounter with the absolute. The experience exposed a poetic, in behavioral studies and human cognition.

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