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Número total de libros encontrados: 40 para su búsqueda.

1984 (George Orwell) Diálogos entre el derecho y la literatura: Los totalitarismos I .

Autor: Juan Alfredo Obarrio Moreno

Número de Páginas: 294

No descubro nada nuevo si afirmo que Orwell fue uno de esos hombres que supieron detectar una inflexión profunda en la concepción democrática de su época. ¿Qué sucedió en ese período de la Historia? Sin duda, un sombrío naufragio: el de la razón y el de la libertad. Y fue su desafecto, su rechazo a los sucesos que contemplaba lo que le hizo, en el sentido nietzscheano del término, reafirmar su contemporaneidad, adhiriéndose a su tiempo como un galápago a su concha, pero no para silenciarlo, y menos aún para reverenciarlo, sino para poner al descubierto todos y cada uno de los entresijos más sombríos y perversos de su época. Sobre las cenizas de este sombrío horizonte se instala la escenografía de sus dos obras de mayor peso y estatura literaria: Rebelión en la Granja y 1984, relatos que son imágenes vivas de un tiempo herido que ya forma parte de la Historia: la pasada, la presente y la futura; un paisaje desolado que no cabe olvidarlo, y menos aún desconsiderarlo, si lo hiciéramos estaríamos realizando una lectura indecorosa de la Historia. Esperemos no caer en tamaña ignominia, porque sabemos bien que Ítaca es el camino, y que lecturas como las que...

George Orwell. Vida y filosofía política

Autor: Lacasta-zabalza, José Ignacio

Número de Páginas: 190

Este libro analiza la vida y la obra de George Orwell (1903-1950). Se centra en su filosofía política y su itinerario vital: su anticolonialismo, deducido de su experiencia en Birmania; su conciencia social, plasmada en Sin blanca en París y Londres y El camino de Wigan Pier; su formación antifascista en la guerra civil española, como soldado y oficial, así como la relevancia del papel estratégico de las milicias en la sierra de Alcubierre (el famoso Frente Orwell). El volumen se cierra con el estudio de la crítica al estalinismo (Rebelión en la granja) y al totalitarismo universal (1984). Su ideario se tradujo al idioma ucraniano: Orwell advirtió a sus lectores ucranianos del peligro del imperialismo ruso.

Pack George Orwell (contiene: 1984 | Rebelión en la granja)

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 522

Los dos clásicos distópicos de George Orwell reunidos en una edición estuche. 1984 «No creo que la sociedad que he descrito en 1984 necesariamente llegue a ser una realidad, pero sí creo que puede llegar a existir algo parecido», escribía Orwell después de publicar su novela. Corría el año 1948, y la realidad se ha encargado de convertir esa pieza -entonces de ciencia ficción- en un manifiesto de la realidad. En el año 1984 Londres es una ciudad lúgubre en la que la Policía del Pensamiento controla de forma asfixiante la vida de los ciudadanos. Winston Smith es un peón de este engranaje perverso y su cometido es reescribir la historia para adaptarla a lo que el Partido considera la versión oficial de los hechos. Hasta que decide replantearse la verdad del sistema que los gobierna y somete. _________________ Rebelión en la granja Un rotundo alegato a favor de la libertad y en contra del totalitarismo que se ha convertido en un clásico de la literatura del siglo XX. Esta sátira de la Revolución rusa y el triunfo del estalinismo, escrita en 1945, se ha convertido por derechos propio en un hito de la cultura contemporánea y en uno de los libros más mordaces de...

Biblioteca esencial George Orwell (1984 | Rebelión en la granja | Homenaje a Cataluña | Opresión y resistencia)

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 1291

Un fabuloso estuche con los escritos esenciales de George Orwell: 1984, Rebelión en la granja, Homenaje a Cataluña y los ensayos contra el totalitarismo reunidos en Opresión y resistencia. George Orwell cultivó con igual maestría la novela, el reportaje y el periodismo político. Junto con sus dos obras maestras de narrativa, 1984 y Rebelión en la granja, el presente estuche contiene los textos ensayísticos en los que el autor fue forjando su lúcida visión del mundo. En Homenaje a Cataluña, Orwell identificó las derivas represivas que aquejaban a España. Y en los escritos reunidos en Opresión y resistencia dio curso a los primeros pálpitos de sus ideas famosas en contra del totalitarismo. Esta compilación esencial se completa con prólogos y epílogos de firmas como Christopher Hitchens, Thomas Pynchon y Miquel Berga, y todos los textos se publican en ediciones definitivas con el aval de The Orwell Estate. La crítica ha dicho: «En una época de lealtades partidistas extremas y a la vez cínicamente fluctuantes, [Orwell] se las arregló para ser un enemigo coherente e inflexible tanto de Hitler como de Stalin». Christopher Hitchens, Por qué es importante Orwell...

RESUMEN - 1984 por George Orwell

Autor: Shortcut Edition

Número de Páginas: 14

Al leer este resumen, descubrirá que a veces es útil imaginar lo peor, gracias a la luz que aporta la novela 1984. También descubrirá : que una obra de ciencia ficción puede ser portadora de una poderosa crítica política; que el pesimismo tiene sus virtudes; que el lenguaje puede ser un instrumento de manipulación; la sorprendente precisión de una novela de anticipación escrita hace más de 70 años; que se esconde bajo el seudónimo de George Orwell. El colapso de una sociedad comienza con guerras o desastres naturales. A medida que el país se derrumba, aparece otro sistema. A partir de entonces, la libertad ya no existe, los ciudadanos están bajo vigilancia, no hay contestación posible. Las películas o novelas que plantean este escenario pertenecen a un género muy particular: la distopía, que se opone a la utopía, un mundo donde todo va bien. Este género se desarrolló a finales del siglo XIX, cuando los hombres comenzaron a temer las consecuencias de la carrera por el progreso. George Orwell fue un pionero. Fue en 1984, publicado en 1949, donde definió el género como una sátira a través de la fantasía de las sociedades reales. Pero, ¿de qué sirve...

George Orwell: A Life in Letters

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 569

This compilation of personal letters creates an autobiography of the well-known author of Nineteen Eighty-Four” through his correspondence with other literary luminaries including T.S. Elliot and Henry Miller, as well as letters to complete strangers. 10,000 first printing.

George Orwell: An age like this, 1920-1940

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 602

In his 46 years, Orwell managed to publish ten books and two collections of essays. This volume, one in a set of four, brings together a selection of his non-fiction work - letters, essays, reviews and journalism. His work is broad in scope, moving from English cooking to totalitarianism.

Las rosas de Orwell

Autor: Rebecca Solnit

Número de Páginas: 325

LAS ROSAS DE ORWELL UNO DE LOS MEJORES LIBROS DE 2022 SEGÚN ELLE «Me encantó este libro. [...] Solnit nos presenta a Orwell como a un padre alegre, esperanzado, amante de la vida, que aprecia los sapos y a los bebés, pero, sobre todo, como a un jardinero tenaz y enérgico. [...] Unjuego emocionante a través de la vida y la época de Orwell y a través de la vida y la época de las rosas». Margaret Atwood «En la primavera de 1936, un escritor plantó rosales». Así comienza el nuevo libro de Rebecca Solnit, una reflexión sobre un jardinero apasionado que fue, además, la voz más importante del siglo XX frente a la mentira y el totalitarismo: George Orwell. A partir de su azaroso encuentro con aquellas rosas que Orwell cultivó hace más de ochenta años y que siguen hoy rebosantes de vida en su jardín, la autora indaga en ese aspecto más desconocido de la vida del intelectual para descubrir en qué medida su devoción por las flores puede iluminar sus compromisos éticos y estéticos como escritor y como luchador antifascista. Con su característica capacidad para establecer conexiones inesperadas, Solnit entremezcla la vida y la obra literaria del autor de 1984, y su...

George Orwell, Updated Edition

Autor: Harold Bloom

Número de Páginas: 225

Presents a collection of critical essays on the works of George Orwell.

George Orwell Collection

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 2099

This Excellent Collection brings together Orwell's longer, major books and a fine selection of shorter pieces. With great originality and wit Orwell unfolds his views on subjects ranging from a revaluation of Charles Dickens to the nature of Socialism, from a comic yet profound discussion of naughty seaside postcards to a spirited defence of English cooking. Displaying an almost unrivalled mastery of English plain prose, Orwell's Books created a unique literary manner from the process of thinking aloud and continue to challenge, move and entertain. This Books created and collected in George Orwell's Most important Works illuminate the life and work of one of the most individual writers of the XX century - a man who elevated political writing to an art. This Collection included: · 1984 · ANIMAL FARM · A CLERGYMAN'S DAUGHTER · BURMESE DAYS · COMING UP FOR AIR · DOWN AND OUT IN PARIS AND LONDON · HOMAGE TO CATALONIA · KEEP THE ASPIDISTRA FLYING · LOOKING BACK ON THE SPANISH WAR · THE LION AND THE UNICORN · THE ROAD TO WIGAN PIER

George Orwell

Autor: Tanya Agathocleous

Número de Páginas: 113

Examines the life of George Orwell, the English author of "Animal Farm" and "1984, " and discusses the political and social criticism disclosed in his work.

The World of George Orwell

Autor: Miriam Gross

Número de Páginas: 280

18 essays by friends, historians and critics covering Orwell's life and intellectual development. Illustrated with 98 photos.

George Orwell

Autor: Stephen Ingle

Número de Páginas: 168

This work assesses George Orwell's political writing, examining how his democratic socialism developed and changed in the 1930s and 40s. The book aims to determine whether Orwells' preoccupations form a common thread of coherent political philosophy.

The Essential Works of George Orwell

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 2801

DigiCat presents the George Orwell Collection -the greatest novels, poems, essays and autobiographical works of this great visionary in one volume: Novels: Burmese Days A Clergyman's Daughter Keep the Aspidistra Flying Coming Up for Air Animal Farm 1984 Poetry: Awake! Young Men of England Kitchener Our Hearts Are Married, But We Are Too Young The Pagan Poem from Burma The Lesser Evil Romance Summer-like for an Instant The Italian Soldier Shook My Hand... Reflections on War and Society: Spilling the Spanish Beans Not Counting Niggers Prophecies of Fascism Wells, Hitler and the World State Looking Back on the Spanish War Who Are the War Criminals? Future of a Ruined Germany Revenge is Sour You and the Atomic Bomb Notes on Nationalism Catastrophic Gradualism Freedom of the Park How the Poor Die In Front of Your Nose Thoughts on England: Democracy in the British Army The Lion and the Unicorn Antisemitism in Britain In Defence of English Cooking Decline of the English Murder Politics and the English Language Views on Literature, Art & Famous Men: In Defence of the Novel Notes on the Way Charles Dickens Literature and Totalitarianism The Art of Donald Mcgill Rudyard Kipling W. B. Yeats...

George Orwell

Autor: Raymond Williams

Número de Páginas: 200

The eleven essays included are arranged so that Orwell's works may be studied in the general order in which they were written.

George Orwell

Autor: Gordon Bowker

Número de Páginas: 590

'Adds enormously to our understanding of the man' Evening Standard George Orwell was one of the greatest writers England produced in the last century. He left an enduring mark on our language and culture, with concepts such as 'Big Brother' and 'Room 101.' His reputation rests not only on his political shrewdness and his sharp satires (Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four) but also on his marvellously clear style and superb essays, which rank with the best ever written. Gordon Bowker's new biography includes fascinating new material which brings Orwell'slife into unfamiliar focus. He writes revealingly about Orwell's family background; the lasting influence of Eton on his work and character; his superstitious streak and youthful flirtation with black magic; and his chaotic and reckless sex life, which included at least one homoerotic relationship. It highlights the strange circumstances of his first marriage and provides remarkable new evidence of his experiences in Spain and their nightmarish consequences. It also offers a fresh look at his peculiar deathbed marriage to a woman fifteen years his junior. All this has enabled Bowker to give Orwell's life a brilliantly fresh and...

George Orwell

Autor: Jeffrey Meyers

Número de Páginas: 406

This set comprises 40 volumes covering nineteenth and twentieth century European and American authors. These volumes will be available as a complete set, mini boxed sets (by theme) or as individual volumes. This second set compliments the first 68 volume set of Critical Heritage published by Routledge in October 1995.

The Classic George Orwell Collection

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 1218

George Orwell was perhaps the twentieth century's best chronicler of English culture and one of our most significant political thinkers. Best known for his chilling dystopia Nineteen-Eighty Four and the disturbing parable of Animal Farm, Orwell also turned his attention to subjects as wide-ranging as life amidst abject poverty, the strictures of a religious upbringing, the perils of British imperialism, the loss of innocence and the disillusionment of middle age. He centered his works on the characters involved and his pen captured the hopes and struggles of ordinary people as they attempted to live their lives. Includes: • 1984 • Animal Farm • Homage to Catalonia • The Road to Wigan Pier • Down and Out in London and Paris ABOUT THE SERIES: Arcturus Essential Orwell presents George Orwell's most acclaimed fiction and non-fiction titles with striking contemporary cover-designs. These unique paperback editions are wonderful collectibles which celebrate one of the most important voices of the 20th century.

The Complete Works of George Orwell: Two wasted years, 1943

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 440

Selected Essays

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 369

Orwell was one of the most celebrated essayists in the English language, and there are quite a few of his essays which are probably better known than any of his other writings apart from Aminal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four.

The Complete Novels of George Orwell

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 1514

'The greatest writer of the twentieth century' Observer George Orwell's best-known novels, Animal Farm, describing a revolution that goes horribly wrong, and Nineteen Eighty-Four, portraying a world where human freedom has been crushed, are two of the most famous, well-quoted and influential political satires ever written. The other novels in this volume also tell stories of people at odds with repressive institutions: the corrupt imperialism of Burmese Days, disaffection with materialistic society in Keep the Aspidistra Flying, the perils of modern suburban living in Coming Up for Air and surviving on the streets in A Clergyman's Daughter. All the novels brought together here display Orwell's humour, his understanding of human nature and his great compassion.

George Orwell: The Complete Autobiographical Works

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 869

Down and Out in Paris and London is a memoir in two parts on the theme of poverty in the two cities. The first part is an account of living in near-destitution in Paris and the experience of casual labour in restaurant kitchens. The second part is a travelogue of life on the road in and around London from the tramp's perspective, with descriptions of the types of hostel accommodation available and some of the characters to be found living on the margins. The Road to Wigan Pier is a book by the British writer George Orwell, first published in 1937. The first half of this work documents his sociological investigations of the bleak living conditions among the working class in Lancashire and Yorkshire in the industrial north of England before World War II. The second half is a long essay on his middle-class upbringing, and the development of his political conscience, questioning British attitudes towards socialism. Orwell states plainly that he himself is in favour of socialism, but feels it necessary to point out reasons why many people who would benefit from socialism and should logically support it, are in practice likely to be strong opponents. Homage to Catalonia is George...

Sumisión en la granja

Autor: Miquel Porta Perales

Número de Páginas: 76

"Su discurso está plagado de frases cortantes, puyas, agitación" (Víctor Amela, 'La Vanguardia') "Cuando el pensamiento crítico zozobra, conviene recobrar fuerzas con un ensayo como el de Miquel Porta Perales" (Sergi Dòria, 'ABC') El mejor homenaje a George Orwell –un referente del pensamiento antitotalitario del siglo XX— es revisar su 'Rebelión en la granja'. Miquel Porta Perales se atreve. Hoy, en el marco mental del populismo rampante y la izquierda indignada dominantes, ¿por qué no pasar de la rebelión a la sumisión? 'Sumisión en la granja' (ED Libros –el sello editorial de Economía Digital—, 2019) habla de aceptar la realidad, de aprender las lecciones de la historia, de apostar por el sentido del límite y del buen juicio liberal, que hoy es lo más parecido a la rebelión antitotalitaria orwelliana. La sumisión bien entendida (¿Orwell frente a Orwell?) nos hará libres. Paradójico, sí. Pero, como dijera nuestro autor, "la libertad significa el derecho a decirle a la gente lo que no quiere oír". Por ello, algunos personajes de 'Rebelión en la granja' (Napoleón, Snowball, Squealer, Boxer, Clover, Mollie o Benjamín) vuelven a desfilar ante los...

The Ultimate George Orwell Collection

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 2804

DigiCat presents to you this unique and meticulously edited George Orwell collection: Novels: Burmese Days A Clergyman's Daughter Keep the Aspidistra Flying Coming Up for Air Animal Farm 1984 Poetry: Awake! Young Men of England Kitchener Our Hearts Are Married, But We Are Too Young The Pagan Poem from Burma The Lesser Evil Romance Summer-like for an Instant The Italian Soldier Shook My Hand... Reflections on War and Society: Spilling the Spanish Beans Not Counting Niggers Prophecies of Fascism Wells, Hitler and the World State Looking Back on the Spanish War Who Are the War Criminals? Future of a Ruined Germany Revenge is Sour You and the Atomic Bomb Notes on Nationalism Catastrophic Gradualism Freedom of the Park How the Poor Die In Front of Your Nose Thoughts on England: Democracy in the British Army The Lion and the Unicorn Antisemitism in Britain In Defence of English Cooking Decline of the English Murder Politics and the English Language Views on Literature, Art & Famous Men: In Defence of the Novel Notes on the Way Charles Dickens Charles Reade Inside The Whale Literature and Totalitarianism The Art of Donald Mcgill Rudyard Kipling W. B. Yeats Mark Twain—the Licensed...

The Complete Works of George Orwell: Smothered under journalism, 1946

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 596

Down and Out in Paris and London

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 206

Down and Out in Paris and London was George Orwell’s first published book. It is at once a very personal account, and a vivid exposé of hard lives weighed down by poverty in France and England between the wars. Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is introduced by writer Lara Feigel. Towards the end of the 1920s, whilst living in Paris, George Orwell’s few remaining funds are stolen and he quickly falls into a life of severe poverty. Living hand to mouth, he shares squalid lodgings with Russian-born Boris and finds tedious and back-breaking work washing up in the bowels of Paris restaurant kitchens. On his return to England, he lives as a tramp, finding occasional shelter in often dangerous doss houses.

George Orwell

Autor: Robert Colls

Número de Páginas: 359

An intellectual who did not like intellectuals, a socialist who did not trust the state, a liberal who was against free markets, a Protestant who believed in religion but not in God, a fierce opponent of nationalism who defined Englishness for a generation. Aside from being one of the greatest political essayists in the English language and author of two of the most famous books in twentieth century literature, George Orwell was a man of profound contradictions. George Orwell:English Rebel takes us through the many twists and turns of Orwell's life and thought, from precocious, public school satirist at Eton and imperial policeman in Burma, through his early years as a rather dour documentary writer, and his formative experiences as a volunteer soldier in the Spanish Civil War. Robert Colls traces, in particular, Orwell's complex relationship with his country, from the alienated intellectual of the mid-1930s through a gradual reconciliation, to the exhilarating peaks of his wartime writing. He explores the mistakes and contradictions, the lucky escapes and near misses, and what they tell us about Orwell as man and author.

The Collected Essays, Journalism, and Letters of George Orwell: An age like this, 1920-1940

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 612

George Orwell is a major figure in twentieth-century literature. During his lifetime he published ten books and two collections of essays. Orwell seldom "reported" and he never took a line other than the one himself felt at the moment of writing. His essays are certainly some of the greatest in that most difficult genre. His widow and her co-editor have collected everything Orwell would have considered an essay, all the journalism that was not purely ephemeral, and those letters which contribute to our understanding of his life and writing. The material is arranged chronologically, and gives a continuous picture of Orwell's life as well as his work. -- From publisher's description.

The Complete Works of George Orwell: It is what I think, 1947-1948

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 584

The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell

Autor: John Rodden

Número de Páginas: 208

George Orwell is regarded as the greatest political writer in English of the twentieth century. The massive critical literature on Orwell has not only become extremely specialized, and therefore somewhat inaccessible to the nonscholar, but it has also attributed to and even created misconceptions about the man, the writer and his literary legacy. For these reasons, an overview of Orwell's writing and influence is an indispensable resource. Accordingly, this 2007 Companion serves as both an introduction to Orwell's work and furnishes numerous innovative interpretations and fresh critical perspectives on it. Throughout the Companion, which includes chapters dedicated to two of Orwell's major novels, Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm, Orwell's work is placed within the context of the political and social climate of the time. His response to the Depression, British imperialism, Stalinism, World War II, and the politics of the British Left are also examined.

Orwell in Tribune

Autor: George Orwell

Famous today for his novels 1984 and Animal Farm, George Orwell was originally known as a journalist, particularly for his "As I Please" column in the socialist journal Tribune. This collection of his journalism, never before assembled in one volume, provides an invaluable insight into the writings of a man his biographer called the "Doctor Johnson of the Left." Paul Anderson was the editor of Tribune and currently lectures on journalism.

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